

半导体 美国 芯片




China has repeatedly proven that if you try to exclude them, they will simply make their own version, which will be better than our initial version.


Qian Xuesen is my favorite example, but it is just one of many. Do you know that the father of the US space program and the father of the Chinese space program are the same person? This is true. Qian Xuesen came to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States to study and helped create the project that later became the US space program. He is indeed a genius in mathematics and science. But in the Red Scare period in American history, he was persecuted by McCarthyism. In 1955, after five years of house arrest, he made many amazing contributions to the scientific community (including his work in the Manhattan Project). He was allowed to return to China in exchange for some American prisoners of war in the Korean War.


After returning to China, he devoted the rest of his life to China"s space and nuclear weapons projects, making them stronger. He passed away in 2009 and now there is a museum in Shanghai to commemorate him. I hope to see it one day. I hope he is still alive, so that I can apologize to him for the despicable behavior of the United States towards him.


Later, when the International Space Station took off, the United States refused to allow China to participate, despite British scientists speaking for their Chinese counterparts. The United States stipulates that cooperation between the NASA (NASA) and the China National Space Administration (CNSA) is illegal.


So how does China do it? After the Galileo project, they did not request participation. They built their own space station and did it better. So far, NASA has expressed its hope that China will provide their findings to the international scientific community. Oh, really? Hypocrisy!


Yes, they did better. They successfully landed on Mars for the first time. The United States went to Mars, but China had much less preparation time and succeeded in its first attempt. There are rumors now that China is going to build a base on the moon! So now, we are lagging behind China! It"s all because we"ve been foolish twice! Firstly, we will send our best scientists back to China, and secondly, we will refuse to allow them to participate in the International Space Station.


But you would say, this question is about chips and nanotechnology! Exactly. Give China a few years. Up to ten years. At that time, China will lead the nanochip market. Wait and see. The Chinese people have astonishing resilience. I think this must be their genes. They have withstood the test, achieved prosperity, and will continue to do so.


Time will prove whether my prophecy comes true. But please remember, my prediction is more reliable than Gordon Zhang"s. I"m not arrogant, I just told the truth!



Chinese technology companies such as Huawei, BYD and CATL are very focused on developing their own patented technologies and have become global technology leaders.


When they have a strong patent portfolio, they will form their own technical standards committee to make their technology an industry standard. Huawei is very effective in 5G and now 6G, which is why the US government has taken such a strong opposition stance towards transferring technology to the company. When the leadership position of the United States in the field of chip technology is threatened, the US government always takes strong action; This situation occurred in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s, and now it is also happening in China.


The difference is that Japan has no defense capability against the United States because it is a defense ally of the United States. Therefore, when the United States asks Japan to jump, the Japanese government can only ask, "How high is the jump


The situation in China is not like this. China has clearly expressed its opposition to the US crackdown and refuses to make any compromises with the US government.


A significant advantage of China compared to the United States is that the demand for Chinese chips in the domestic market is very strong, far greater than in the US market. Most Manufacturing in the United States, including chips, is done in China. For example, except for Tesla, all major electric vehicle manufacturers are from China and are now actively entering the European market. Electric vehicles have a large number of chips and will be the main consumers of chips in China:


The trade surplus is a major indicator of the United States" dependence on China in manufactured goods:


Due to the continued weakness of domestic and international demand, the decline in exports was greater than that of imports. China"s trade surplus decreased from $97.41 billion in the same period last year to $70.62 billion in June 2023, lower than the market expectation of $74.48 billion. Exports decreased by 12.4% year-on-year, marking the second consecutive month of decline and the largest decline since February 2020, which was lower than market expectations of 9.5%; And imports decreased by 6.9%. At the same time, the politically sensitive trade surplus with the United States slightly expanded from $28.16 billion in May to $28.72 billion in June. In the first six months of 2023, China"s trade surplus with the United States reached $151.44 billion.


Despite various anti China rhetoric within the United States, the trade surplus with China is still expanding. What does this mean? Even if the United States wants to decouple from China, it cannot do so. Numbers cannot lie.


In terms of chip technology and manufacturing, the technology leader is Taiwan"s TSMC, which is the only supplier of all Apple chips. Apple"s A-series chips (used for iPhones and iPads) and M-series chips (used for computers) are far ahead of competitors.


What"s the point of the United States Department of Commerce being forced to threaten TSMC to hand over their customer data and force TSMC to build a chip factory in Arizona? After all, most consumer products may be shipped to China for assembly into products? The answer is that this is not related to the economy or international trade; It is related to technology transfer and politics. TSMC is a leader in chip technology, while Intel and Apple are technology companies in the United States. The United States hopes to control the leading generation of chip design and prevent it from falling into the hands of China.


There is a problem with this approach: Chinese chip companies have been actively recruiting retired senior engineers from TSMC to work in Chinese companies at 2-3 times their salary, effectively transferring their knowledge to Chinese companies. So, if you were a production engineer in your 50s at TSMC and had the opportunity to transfer to Arizona with your current salary or receive a salary of $500000 to $1 million to work in Hangzhou, Wuxi, or Shenzhen, whi



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